Toga Yagari (夜刈十牙, Yagari Tōga?) The current top ranked vampire hunter and a qualified teacher. Yagari formerly trained Zero Kiryu to be a vampire hunter. He lost his right eye trying to save Zero long ago from a Level E vampire. He also took in another hunter, Kaito Takamiya for training after his friend was injured and trained him alongside Zero and Ichiru. Following the killing of Zero's family, he gives Zero to Kaien Cross to look after believing he would never see the boy again after going to investigate the death of the elder Kiryus.
Yagari comes across as a no nonsense gruff hunter. He subscribes to a tough love attitude. He is realistic and not an unfair judge and though a hunter, he does not appear to dislike vampires despite having lost his eye to a level E vampire when protecting Zero once. He expresses admiration for the night class when they stand against the Council, but warns them against becoming outcasts. He doesn't approve of Kaname's methods and reacts negatively to Kaname's implications of atonement for the sins of the hunters ancestors.
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